Developing and Manufacturing Custom Droplet Generators

Micronit is an experienced development and manufacturing partner for microfluidic components and  consumables.  We are open to partners that wish to develop a new product, tailored to their specific wishes and needs. We run multiple projects at different maturity stages from development to manufacturing. Our customers, varying from ambitious start-ups to one of the key global players in the next gen sequencing market, rely on our track record of years of supplying our optical grade, high-quality flow cells and other microfluidic products. We also support leading academics in providing the tools for groundbreaking research.

About Microfluidic Droplet Generators

Microfluidic droplet generators utilize the latest innovations in microfluidic technology, providing unparalleled precision and control in creating tiny droplet-sized samples from liquids. These carefully designed droplets enable a wide range of research projects. From high-throughput screening and sample fractionation to cell and particle sorting and gene expression studies, microfluidic droplet generators deliver unparalleled accuracy, speed and reliability.

Maximum control over the droplet size and volume

Microfluidic droplet generation is a technique for creating highly reproducible droplets in a controlled manner. This method involves combining two immiscible liquids to form droplets. These droplets can be used as miniature test tubes or vehicles. These carefully designed droplets enable a wide range of research projects. From high-throughput screening and sample fractionation to cell and particle sorting and gene expression studies, microfluidic droplet generators deliver unparalleled accuracy, speed and reliability. 

By minimizing the volume and maximizing control of droplets, droplet generators enable researchers to effectively distribute, regulate and analyze sample sizes. Microfluidic droplet generation offers the potential to work with low sample and reagents volumes. This is ideal when only limited samples volumes are available and/or when reagents are costly. 

How Micronit designs the perfect droplet generator geometry?

Droplet generation takes place by combining two immiscible liquid flows into a droplet. These two flows are called the continuous phase (forming the external part of the droplet) and the dispersed phase (forming the internal part of the droplet). Due to Micronits’ highly accurate glass production techniques, great control of the droplet size is possible. The most basic system for microfluidic droplet generation consists of a pump that is connected via tubing to the droplet generator chip. The droplet generator chip forms the heart of the system, because here the actual droplet formation takes place. Micronit offers two droplet generation concepts, a topconnect or a sideconnect system. The first has great ease of use and the second is famous for its small footprint.

Droplet Generator Set-ups

Micronit offers a complete droplet generation setup consisting of chip holders, connection kits, and other tools for quick start of your project. Once you have proof of principle on a single droplet generator and want to ramp up the production of the droplets, you can switch to the our parallel droplet generator. This eight-nozzle droplet generator increases the production rate by eight times, while it can easily be connected to your existing system. A simple way to scale up your experiment!

In addition to single or parallel droplet generators, You can choose between top connect or side connect systems and select their preferred chips. Pumps are not supplied, we offer guidance on suitable pump types based on our experience

Get started with your first prototype
in 3 simple steps 

1. Submit your idea

Share your idea or design with us to initiate the prototyping process. We're eager to understand your project's unique requirements.

2. Technical readiness

After receiving your submission and reviewing your design, we'll discuss your specific needs in detail, ensuring alignment with both your objectives and our expertise.

3. Production

Finally, we transition to the technical development and production, transforming your concept into a prototype.

Submit your idea

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