FAQ Search Results

I'm located in the People's Republic of China. Do you have a distributor here?
Yes, we have a (non-exclusive) distributor in the PRC. Contact details are: Micro-Nano Cube Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd
Chaoyang District
Beijing Jiuxianqiao Electronic City, R&D Center Block A2 West seven
Beijing Email: inquiry@microblox.cn
Phone:  010-58237080  http://www.beijingec.com
I'm located in Japan. Do you have a distributor here?
Yes, we have a distributor in Japan. Contact details are: Kyodo International Inc.
2-10-9, Miyazaki
Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa-ken
216-0033, Japan phone: +81-44-853-2611 (main office)
fax: +81-44-854-1979 e-mail: info@kyodo-inc.com   https://www.kyodo-inc.co.jp/
Should I order directly or does Micronit work with distributors?
In most cases it's possble to order directly at Micronit, only in Japan a distributor is required. For a more complete setup Darwin Microfluidics can support.
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