Would a film degasser give a performance advantage?

It’s difficult to give a real advice regarding the film degasser. The film degasser will not replace the need for a good start-up protocol that limits the amount of air inside the tubing and chip. It crucial to prefill the fluidic lines and flush before placing the chip inside the holder.
When a film degasser is placed just before the chip it might help to trap and remove bubbles that where still in the system and might become loos at some moment in time. Mostly the effect of gasses inside the liquids is limited when the liquid is not oversaturated. I would also be possible to adjust the saturation of gasses inside the liquid by placing a open reservoir under a vacuum hood upfront a experiment.
Liquid sheet can be very thin, they can reach a thickness of just a few molecules in this situation it makes, besides the impact of a gas molecule on sheet stability, a lot of difference if you are looking at gas or liquid molecule. It would be well recommended to consider limiting the gas saturation in the experiment.

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