Project TO_AITION: Researching Depression as a Comorbidity of Cardiovascular Disease

Project TO_AITION: Researching Depression as a Comorbidity of Cardiovascular Disease

In January 2020, Micronit joined the TO_AITION project. 

Depression is a common and serious comorbidity of cardiovascular disease (CVD), affecting one in three patients. There is a great need for more insight into the causative mechanisms of CVD-depression comorbidity in order to improve the prevention, diagnosis, monitoring, and treatment of these conditions. TO_AITION addresses the hypothesis that immune-metabolic dysregulation, occurring as a result of genetic, lifestyle, and environmental risk factors drives low-grade systemic inflammation leading to the development of CVD-depression comorbidity.


Main goal of the project

To gain insight into immune-metabolic causes of depression as a comorbidity of cardiovascular disease.




This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement number 848146.

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