Project Moore4Medical: Acceleration of Innovations in Electronic Medical Devices

Project Moore4Medical: Acceleration of Innovations in Electronic Medical Devices

At the start of July 2020, Micronit joined the Moore4Medical project. 

Too often promising medical device innovations come to a halt because of high development costs in relation to a small market size. Expensive production technologies such as microfabrication contribute to this problem. The consumer electronics industry has tackled this by working with open technology platforms. Moore4Medical aims to adapt this concept to the medical field as well: open technology platforms will be developed for a number of emerging medical domains, such as bioelectronic medicines, drug delivery, personal ultrasound, radiation-free interventions, remote body sensing, and organ-on-chip. In this project, Micronit focuses on smart devices for cell culturing. 


Main goal of the project

An acceleration of innovations in electronic medical devices.





Moore4Medical has received funding within the Electronic Components and Systems for European Leadership Joint Undertaking (ECSEL JU) in collaboration with the European Union’s H2020 Framework Programme (H2020/2014-2020) and National Authorities, under grant agreement H2020-ECSEL-2019-IA-876190.

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