Project LOC2USE: Making Lab-on-a-Chip Technology widely applicable to SMEs

Project LOC2USE: Making Lab-on-a-Chip Technology widely applicable to SMEs

At the start of February 2020, Micronit joined project LOC2USE, lead by the NANOBIO research group.

Currently, the development and production costs of lab-on-a-chip devices are still very high. Specialist equipment is required and often the use of the LOCs requires help from peripheral equipment. By developing cheaper manufacturing techniques, the partners in the LOC2Use project are trying to broaden the usability of LOCs and make them suitable for use outside a laboratory. This way, LOC technology, which is used for example in Point-of-Care testing in healthcare and for taking on-site measurements for food and water safety monitoring, becomes more accessible for use by SMEs. Participants in this project, which was initiated by the lectorates NanoBio and Industrial Design of Saxion University of Applied Sciences, are also working on a first LOC field lab.


Main goal of the project

Taking lab-on-a-chip (LOC) technology out of the lab by using more accessible development and production technologies. The aim is to make lab-on-a-chip technology more widely applicable to SMEs.





This project is supported by the RAAK funding scheme, file number RAAK.MKB11.009.

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