Expert insight: Sample Preparation

Expert insight: Sample Preparation

Almost all biological samples that are used in biomedical assays need some form of preparation before they are ready to be processed. Developers in the field of microfluidics are working towards integration of these sample prep steps as part of the analysis platform.


Expert Insight

Our expert Alvaro Conde says about this: “The integration of sample preparation steps into labs-on-chips has the advantage of assays being carried out with minimal user intervention. Separately and manually perfoming sample prep steps takes time and money and has a greater risk of errors, whereas integrated sample prep allows an automated and secure sample-to-answer process.”

There is an extensive variety of sample preparation techniques that can be integrated on-chip. Would you like to know more about this? Then read Alvaro's white paper on Sample preparation, in which he discusses some of the most relevant sample prep techniques and gives examples of applications.


About the Expert

Alvaro J. Conde is an R&D Scientist at Micronit with more than ten years of experience in the development of microfluidic solutions for projects at the interface of biology and engineering. Alvaro completed his Engineer’s degree in Biomedical Engineering and a PhD in Microfluidics at the National University of Tucumán (Argentina). Before joining Micronit in 2020, he contributed to numerous interdisciplinary projects powered by lab-on-a-chip technologies, with previous roles at the National Atomic Energy Commission (CNEA, Argentina), National Industrial Technology Institute (INTI – Argentina), Technical University of Denmark, The University of Edinburgh and Heriot-Watt University.

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