Microfluidic EOR Chips: Innovation in the Oil and Gas Sector

Microfluidic EOR Chips: Innovation in the Oil and Gas Sector

Did you know that fluid dynamics using microfluidic can revolutionize sustainable resource extraction and boost industrial innovation? In an era where energy efficiency is crucial, EOR chips are revolutionizing how we approach oil recovery. The need for cleaner and more efficient energy extraction is greater than ever. Sustainability and efficiency are essential in the oil and gas industry. EOR chips, or Enhanced Oil Recovery chips, help the industry innovate by providing new methods and processes. These microfluidic devices are designed to optimize and simulate the complex processes involved in extracting oil from reservoirs. By accurately simulating oil displacement in porous media, these chips help understand processes deep underground, leading to more efficient oil extraction and a reduced ecological footprint for the industry.


Understanding Microfluidics in EOR

Microfluidics is the science of controlling fluids at a sub-millimeter scale using channels etched into materials like glass or silicon. By manipulating fluids on a microscale, engineers can precisely analyze the properties of reservoir fluids, leading to better decision-making during exploration. Since the early 2000s, this technology has been applied to improve exploration and production processes (Mohammadi and Maghzi, 2019) [2]. Oil and gas professionals are realizing the potential of this technology, but the biggest challenges here are standardization and accessibility.

At Micronit, we aim to make a positive impact through our expertise in microfluidics. To push innovation forward, we developed an accessible setup with different types of EOR chips. More info here: Micronit EOR Chips.


Advantages of EOR Chips

According to a study by Lifton (2019), microfluidic devices offer significant advantages in EOR research, including improved visualization and control over experimental parameters [1]. The primary advantage of EOR chips is their ability to replicate subsurface environments accurately. This feature allows for the effective assessment of chemical, thermal, and microbial recovery methods. Recent research by Géraud et al. (2021) demonstrates how microfluidic devices can be used for fast screening of CO2 foam surfactants, highlighting the efficiency of these tools in EOR research [4]. The precise control over small fluid volumes helps optimize flow and distribution strategies, and visualize fluid interactions within porous media. As a result, EOR chips are invaluable in enhancing oil recovery techniques, particularly as conventional extraction methods reach their limits.


Research methods: Traditional vs Microfluidic

Traditional EOR research involves core-flooding experiments, which inject fluids (like water, gas, or chemicals) into the core to observe how they displace oil and measure recovery efficiency. Key limitations include complexity, long testing times, limited visibility into micro-level mechanisms, and difficulties in reproducing results.

EOR microfluidic chips simulate oil displacement in porous media using microfluidic models. These chips offer precise control and visualization of fluid flows at the micrometer scale. Advantages include better visualization of oil displacement, reusability, and the ability to test a wide range of temperatures and pressures. This allows for the development and optimization of more efficient and insightful oil extraction methods.



Types of EOR Chips

Various designs of microfluidic chips have been developed to simulate different reservoir conditions. For instance, Conn et al. (2014) describe chips with porous media analogs that can be used to study fluid behavior in reservoir-like environments [3]. Micronit have developed three varieties of EOR chips, each tailored for specific applications:

  • Random Structure: Features a randomly placed porous structure, ideal for Chemical (CEOR) and Microbial (MEOR) Enhanced Oil Recovery experiments.CEOR (Chemical Enhanced Oil Recovery) and MEOR (Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery) are advanced techniques that use specially formulated substances or microorganisms to improve oil extraction efficiency.
  • Uniform Structure: Offers a uniform porous structure, suitable for similar CEOR and MEOR applications. Often used for experiments to verify simulation models.
  • Physical Rock Structure: Mimics actual rock structures, providing a more realistic environment for testing EOR methods.


Visual Representation of EOR Chip Architecture
Microfluidic EOR chip designs: Random, Uniform and Physical rock images Microfluidic EOR chip designs: Random, Uniform and Physical rock images
Microfluidic EOR chip designs: Random, Uniform and Physical rock images


As the resource substraction industry faces increasing pressure to improve efficiency and reduce environmental impact, EOR chips represent a promising solution. By providing unprecedented insight into subsurface processes, these microfluidic marvels are set to play a crucial role in the future of energy extraction. With Micronit's expertise and range of EOR chip options, oil and gas companies can stay at the forefront of this technological revolution. Micronit is a leader in the development and manufacturing of EOR chips, supporting a diverse range of clients from innovative start-ups to global industry leaders. By collaborating with Micronit, customers can leverage the company's extensive experience and high-quality microfluidic solutions to advance their oil recovery projects.

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  1. Lifton, V.A. (2019). Microfluidics: an enabling screening technology for enhanced oil recovery (EOR). Lab on a Chip, 16(10), 1777-1796. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13202-019-0610-4
  2. Mohammadi, S., & Maghzi, A. (2019). Investigation of Fluid Behavior in Porous Media Using Microfluidics: A Review. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 176, 1146-1169. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13202-019-0610-4
  3. Conn, C.A., Ma, K., Hirasaki, G.J., & Biswal, S.L. (2014). Visualizing oil displacement with foam in a microfluidic device with permeability contrast. Lab on a Chip, 14(20), 3968-3977. https://www.scirp.org/html/5-2890090_90279.htm
  4. Géraud, B., Allais, C., Grenier, A., Boussour, S., & Fabbri, A. (2021). Simply built microfluidics for fast screening of CO2 foam surfactants and foam model parameters estimation. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 200, 108418. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2021.116815
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