Fluidic Connect Pro chip holder - topconnect

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As low as $1,300.45

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Easy interfacing for fluidic connections.

Fluidic Connect Pro is a user friendly holder concept. The Load 'n' Seal design in combination with special ferrules ensures tight connections without breaking your microfluidic chips.

The Fluidic Connect Pro chip holder is available in the following configurations:

Option Usage
Frame only  The frame only option is intended for use in combination with your own manufactured inserts. 
For chips in a cartridge

Most of our webstore chips are supplied in a black polymer cartridge, which can be placed in the insert opening.

This is the most used option in our range of Fluidic Connect Pro holders.

For organ-on-a-chip (OOC) For use in combination with our resealable organ-on-a-chip chips.
For resealable flow cells

For use in combination with our resealable organ-on-a-chip chips. 
Please note that our OOC holder can be modified in a Resealable holder using a set of additional spacers.

Note: Besides the holder, a connection kit or ferrules are required. A connection kit is recommended, as it contains tubing with an optimal outside diameter. Difference in tubing OD between brands is observed an result in leakage at a lower pressure.  The ferrules to use are a Micronit proprietary design, never use ferrules from a different supplier this will cause leakage or can damage the chip. 

Features and Benefits:

  • Fast, easy and robust fluidic connections
  • Future proof, thanks to replaceable inserts
  • Durable design
  • Smart sealing solutions to prevent chip cracking
  • Large chip view area possible
  • Compatible with upright and inverted microscopes
More Information
Unit of measurementKit
Holder conceptFluidic Connect Pro
Compatible tubing outside diameter(s)1/32", 1/16"
Icon Label Description Type Size Download
pdf Fluidic connect pro - quick start guide Manual for assembly of the inserts, tubing and chip placement. pdf 2.8 MB Download
pdf Fluidic connect pro resealable - Quick start guide pdf 830.9 KB Download
PDF Fluidic Connect Pro - Drawing PDF 620.2 KB Download
Customer Questions
I would like to design my own insert in combination with the Fluidic Connect Pro holder. Can you provide relevant information?
It's possible manufacture your own inserts for the Fluidic Connect Pro, however perhaps our insert set which is more flexible in chip length can be a good alternative or starting point? This product can be found here In design of your own insert set there are some attention points: Always keep the total height stack (chip tickness + inserts height up to the holder frame) comparable with our default inserts. Our inserts are designed for use with a chip tickness of 1.8mm (without metal spacers with a thickness of 0.6mm). Keep using our special ferrules. The ferrules will absorb height differences preventing large forces on the holder. The Fluidic Connect Pro concept is NOT compatible for sealing without elastic material in the height stack. Be also carefull with large sealing areas, typical the distributed forces are too less for good sealing. Do not seal on top of elastic materials, like PDMS. The applied force might compress the channel structures. In this case it's best to interface on the rigit side like on the glass layer. This will better distribute the force preventing shape changes of the elastomer. Some time it helps to order an existing insert set as visual example.
A dawing of the Fludic Connect Pro (frame only) can be found here.
Can I use a ferrule from a alternative supplier, like for instance IDEX is offering, in combination with the Fluidic Connect Pro?
This will NOT work and will cause damage to the chip or holder. Our ferrules for use with the Fluidic Connect Pro are a Micronit proprietary design and also a specific grade of FFKM is used.
I have a Elveflow OB1 pressure based pump what connectors do I need?
Nuts and ferrule
Elveflow uses 1/4-28 screw in connections on there reservoirs and sensors. To interface you will need Flangeless nuts 1/4-28 for 1/16" tubing, including compatible ferrules. Those nuts and ferrules are included in Elveflows "Kit Fittings Starter Pack Push-in".
This item wil look like this:
In addition you will need our connection kit. Our Connection kit includes nuts or ferrules specificilly designed for our Fluidic Connect Pro, Fluidic Connect 4515 or side connect holders. Tubing included in "Kit Fittings Starter Pack Push-in"
The 1/16"OD PTFE tubing included in the kit has a very large ID (1/32" ~0.79mm) and is from a relatively soft material, this is not so suitable for bot our Fluidic Connect Pro and Fluidic Connect 4515 holders as there's very limited wall thickness. We recommend alternative tubing, like ETFE with a maximum of 0.5mm ID. This tubing is included in our connection kits.
Use of 1/32" OD tubing
1/32" OD tubing can be in combination with our Fluidic Connect Pro holder also be used, but need alternative ferrules.
The ElveFlow "Kit Fittings Starter Pack Push-in" doesn't include sleeves for use of 1/32" OD tubing. They are included in our Syringe to tube connection kit
Our Sideconnect our Fluidic Connect 4515 holders doens't support 1/32" tubing.
I have a Fluigent pressure based pump, what connectors do I need?
Lineup We recommend the dafault Fluigent kits (FLOW EZ™ SUPPLY KIT, FLUIWELL KIT or P-CAP KIT)
The P-cab or FLUIWELL KIT already contains 0.5m 1/16" OD FEP tubing with a ID of 500µm, when you use only limited pressures, you can try this tubing first and only order: For Fluidic Connect Pro our propriatary ferrules.  For Fluidic Connect 4515 our propriatary flatbottom nuts and ferrules.  For Sideconnect our propriatary ferrules.  For optimal performance we recommend our complete connection kit, the FEP tubing might be a bit soft limiting the pressure rating.  MFCS We recommend the dafault Fluigent kits (MFCS™-EZ HIGH/LOW PRESSURE KIT, FLUIWELL KIT or P-CAP KIT )  The P-cab or FLUIWELL KIT already contains 0.5m or 1m 1/16" OD FEP tubing with a ID of 500µm, when you use only limited pressures, you can try this tubing first and only order: For Fluidic Connect Pro our propriatary ferrules.  For Fluidic Connect 4515 our propriatary flatbottom nuts and ferrules.  For Sideconnect our propriatary ferrules.  For optimal performance we recommend our complete connection kit, the FEP tubing might be a bit soft limiting the pressure rating. 
When should I use the metal strips (spacers) as provided with the Fluidic Connect Pro holder?
When should I use the spacers?
The metal strips are used for thin bottom chips and are also part of the holder for resealable flow cell's.
This are currently the following products (list might be incomplete): SKU SKU old Description Note 11000746 00746 Fluidic Connect Pro for resealable flow cells Normally already pre-assembled  11000746 00745 Insert set for resealable flow cells   11003133 03133 Thin bottom flow cell    11106327 03133-F Thin bottom flow cell - coated   11003196 03196 Thin bottom flow cell - 0.5mm   11006345 03196-F Thin bottom flow cell - 0.5mm - coated   11003164 03164 Thin bottom flow cell - 1.5mm   11006338 03164-F Thin bottom flow cell - 1.5mm - coated   11003694 FC_R50.332.3_PACK Serpentine channel / Microreactor, 20x50µm, 342mm length   11003644 FC_R50.332.3-F Serpentine channel / Microreactor, 20x50µm, 342mm length - Coated   11003040 03040 Serpentine channel / Microreactor, 45x140µm, 350mm length     11006834 03040 - F Serpentine channel / Microreactor, 45x140µm, 350mm length - coated   11006722 FC_X3550CH.3_PACK Cross channel chip - thin bottom   How to apply the spacers? The spacers are placed beneath the top insert, as shown in the picture below. What should I do when I don't have spacers available?
Just contact us to request new spacers.
What are the dimension of the available view window using the resealable / OOC chip holder?
The view window on the bottom of the resealable/OOC chip holder has the dimensions as found in the picture below:  
What are the dimensions of the view window in the Fluidic Connect Pro for chips in a cartridge?
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