Overview of Downloads and White papers

On this page, you will find an overview of all available downloads and white papers on our website.

Capabilities Overview 

A full overview of Micronits' capabilities

Prototyping steps

Overview of the steps in the prototyping procedure

Certificate ISO 9001

UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 certificate

Certificate ISO 13485

UNI CEI EN ISO 13485:2021 certificate

Integration of an optical CMOS sensor with a microfluidic channel

Article explaining the  integration of an optical CMOS sensor with a microfluidic channel

Reynolds and Péclet number effects in folding flow mixers

Poster explaining Reynolds and Péclet number effects in folding flow mixers

Electrical impedance spectroscopy guide

Complete overview of the EIS chips capabilities

Application note on Bonding

Application note Organ-on-Chip Optical Sensing

White papers

Flow Control

White paper on Flow Control

Biocompatible Bonding

White paper on Biocompatible Bonding

Sample Preparation

Whitepaper on Sample preparation

Cell Culturing

Whitepaper on Cell Culturing

Surface Functionalization

Whitepaper on Surface Functionalization

Sensor Integration

Whitepaper on Sensor Integration

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